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When I put myself in the shoes of parents, I struggle to grasp what it must be like to witness a child's birth, nurture that child's development, change their diapers, nurse them, take them to school & sports .... only to have them grow up and say things like:

  • "If you had only ______, things would have been better."

  • "It's because of you that I'm struggling with _______."

  • "You're embarrassing."

  • "You don't understand me and what's happening in my life."

  • "I wish you were more like ________'s parent."

  • "I just want to get away from you."

Oof - what gut punches. It must be so disorienting to have the kid that you held when they were tiny and helpless hit you with such feedback or criticism. I am sympathetic to parents who are on the receiving end of this.

At the same time, I understand on a personal & professional level why teens get to the point that they deliver these low blows. Children are around their parents all the time. They have a front-row seat to their parents' weaknesses and worst moments. So it's no wonder they become bonafide experts on what their parents might still need to work on.

And this is not inherently a problem - teens can provide parents with valuable feedback for this very reason. A teen's perspective on their parents is unique from that of co-workers, friends, etc. because of their close vantage point. With the right communication skills & boundaries in place, these conversations between teens and their parents can be enlightening, productive, and respectful.

However, without these skills & boundaries in place, a teen's 'feedback' for their parents can be brutal. If a parent does not have the tools to know how to respond in these situations, they may become defensive, or otherwise act out of character towards their child. This reaction may give their child more content for 'feedback,' presented non-constructively, which may result in another reaction from a parent, leading to a vicious cycle.

Here are some guidelines for teens & parents on how to avoid this:

For parents:

  1. Teach & model constructive criticism - Put in place a boundary that you are open to hearing feedback from your child, but will not tolerate offensive, disrespectful, or non-constructive criticism. You would not tolerate a co-worker who said, "You're lazy and horrible at your job." It would be different if your co-worker said "When you don't turn in the reports on time, it makes my job a lot harder. I need you to get them to me on time." Teach and model giving & receiving constructive criticism. Hold a boundary and communicate that you will be removing yourself from the conversation until the feedback is based on behaviors and actions and not an attack on who you are as a person.

  2. Practice non-defensiveness by tending to your emotions - Acknowledge to yourself when your child's feedback makes you feel hurt, scared, angry, confused, etc. You are absolutely entitled to this feeling and experience, but I strongly advise against sharing your feelings with your child in the moment (see #3 below). Instead, practice self-validation and self-soothing. When your child says something that makes you feel scared that you have failed them, say to yourself "I'm feeling really scared right now" and give yourself compassion. Tell yourself that you will give your fear the attention it deserves when the time is right.

  3. Work on staying with your child's experience - When your child shares something you have done to hurt them, do not immediately make it about you. Do not speak about your intention or your own emotional reaction yet, acknowledge the impact. Validate & summarize your child's perspective so they know you hear them. Only after you have done so may you gently push back or share how you have a different perspective.

  4. Focus on being good rather than perfect - Parents who put excessive pressure on themselves to be perfect actually make things worse for their children. Parents are bound to mess up - it is inevitable. If you are unable to admit that you mess up because you are focused on being the perfect parent, you will unintentionally make your child question their own reality. Your job is to be as good as you can be, not to be perfect.

For teens:

  1. Engage in constructive criticism - Your point of view is valid, but an attack on someone's character (even your parent) is unacceptable and will get in the way of you getting your point across. Take responsibility for how you communicate your point of view.

  2. Access compassion & practice patience - It's your parents' first time living too! They don't have it all figured out and will make mistakes.

  3. Take care of yourself - If your parent is not skilled in the above (they aren't constructive with their own feedback, they can't regulate their emotions, they are defensive) - come to terms with this and figure out how to protect & care for yourself. Unfortunately, it's really hard to change other people before they are ready to do so. If your parents are in this place, it doesn't really mean that they love you less - it means that there's likely a barrier to them learning the skills they need to have healthy communication with you. You may need to grieve the fact that you wish you had a parent who already had these skills. You will definitely need to recognize how this impacts you and holds you back. Once you've done so, you can focus your energy on finding others (mentors, teachers, therapists, friends, supportive adults) who can provide you with what you need.

Parents & teens who are able to put these practices into place have an opportunity to share and receive feedback that will help them grow in closeness. Parents & teens who are not able to use communication skills and uphold boundaries when it comes to giving feedback will likely enter into a cycle of low blows, defensiveness & arguing. This will create emotional distance. Parents hold the responsibility of setting an example by modeling constructive criticism, tending to their own emotions, and focusing on being good rather than perfect. Teens hold the responsibility of accessing compassion, practicing patience, using constructive feedback rather than personal attacks, and recognizing what is out of their control. When this is accomplished, parents and their kids have an opportunity to create a trusting relationship based on respect, care, and transparency that helps both of them grow.

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In my previous role as a tutor, I worked with a lot of students who were struggling in school. One of the most common explanations for a student’s academic challenges I heard from both students and parents was that their teacher ‘didn’t like’ them or ‘had it out for’ them. 

Now, in some cases, this may have been true. Students of marginalized identities, in particular, may not have received proper attention from educators. However, in many other cases, a careful examination of the root of the problem would reveal there was much more lying under the surface than a teacher who was ‘out to get’ a student. 

For instance, students may not have the language or emotional skills to describe why school has been hard for them. In other cases, students may feel uncomfortable sharing what’s actually been going on. This could be especially true for teenagers, who may find vulnerability with their parents to be a challenging feat. 

One can imagine for many students that it is easier to say something like “my teacher doesn’t like me” than it is to say something like “I can’t figure things out as fast as everyone else” or “I don’t feel comfortable with myself right now, and that makes it hard to be at school.” 

Here are some common reasons a teen might be struggling in school that have nothing to do with their teacher: 

  • They don't have the confidence to ask for help

  • They feel like they can't make mistakes, so they hide when they do, rather than learning from mistakes or speaking up about needing support

  • They have an undiagnosed learning challenge

  • They don't feel comfortable in their bodies, and this makes it hard to be at school/be seen by other students

  • They have had trouble connecting with peers and don't feel like they have anyone to go to for advice or help

  • They are experiencing bullying

Unfortunately, understanding academic challenges as the fault of a teacher can be disempowering. Unless a student or parent has the ability to switch a student out of that teacher’s class, this sort of understanding is a dead end for solutions

Disempowering understanding: "My teacher doesn't like me." 

Result: May not be an accurate diagnosis of the problem, making it harder to find solutions. May lead family to a dead end if classroom placements are set in stone.

A more empowering stance involves a careful examination of the problem and an honest conversation with a student about what they might need to succeed in class. From this point, students and parents are able to access the resources they need to increase confidence and to see greater academic results. 

Empowering understanding: "I'm struggling because I _______."

Result: May provide a more nuanced, accurate understanding of the problem, making it easier to find solutions that actually address the issue. 

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Some relationships struggle due to discrepancies in proactivity between partners.

In a recent blog post, I talked about how a proactivity gap occurs when one partner takes on more proactive responsibility than the other in most scenarios, most of the time. I described that a more proactive partner might be the one to take the initiative on managing a household budget, bringing up conversations about unresolved conflicts, thinking ahead about meal planning, and even finding a couples therapist.

I discussed how, over time, a gap in proactivity in a relationship can lead to diminished trust, decreased intimacy, and, potentially, a relationship dynamic that looks more like parenting and less like a partnership.

Today, I wanted to explore what can be done about a proactivity gap in a relationship. A nuanced issue such as this one necessitates a detailed, multi-layered approach. A blueprint for understanding and starting to change a proactivity gap within a couple's relationship might involve these three steps: 1) understanding how the discrepancy came to be, 2) addressing what is causing the dynamic to sustain, and 3) practicing new ways of being.

1) Understanding how the discrepancy came to be and the impact it is having: To begin, with any problem in a couple's relationship, it helps to get to the root of what each partner is bringing to the table and to trace the history of how the dynamic originated. In this particular scenario, it is likely going to be helpful to ask and answer questions like:

  • Why do I take (or not take) initiative on certain areas of responsibility within my relationship?

  • Which areas of relationship responsibility come naturally to me? Which areas feel totally outside of my wheelhouse?

  • In my family, who did I see take initiative in areas like having hard conversations, managing finances, or maintaining social connections?

  • How is it impacting me that I am taking on more responsibility, more of the time? or How is it impacting my partner that they are taking on more responsibility, more of the time?

2) Addressing what is causing the dynamic to sustain and developing an awareness of what would need to happen for the dynamic to change: Next, it helps to look at how the dynamic has continued to sustain and to discuss what might happen if things were to change.

  • How do I benefit from my partner taking on more responsibility? or (for the more proactive partner) How do I benefit from being the one who takes on more responsibility?

  • If things were to change, and the proactivity gap were to shrink, would our relationship feel different at all? Would it change for the better? For the worse?

3) Practicing new ways of being: Finally, in order to address a gap in proactivity, couples will need to put into practice a new way of being.

  • What would it take for the dynamic to change? What would need to be different?

  • In my ideal scenario, what kinds of proactive responsibility would I take on?

  • In my ideal scenario, what kinds of proactive responsibility would I count on my partner to handle?

  • How will I need to restructure my life to be more proactive in the areas I am responsible for? or How will I let go of some of the responsibility I have now, trusting my partner will take it on my behalf?

  • What are the barriers to my taking on proactive responsibility? How can I address these barriers?

  • How will I communicate with my partner if I feel the proactivity gap persisting? How will we approach this conversation in a new way?

Addressing a proactivity gap in a relationship may be self-directed work for couples. Or, couples may need to consult a therapist or coach to work with them on following these three steps - understanding how the discrepancy came to be, addressing what is causing the dynamic to sustain, and practicing new ways of being.

Most importantly, in order for this type of change to be successful, there must be mutual recognition of the problem and a unified desire to alter potentially deeply entrenched patterns. If you and your partner are in need of someone to facilitate this process, reach out via the Contact page on my website, and we'll begin the process together.

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